Cincinnati City Council Approves the Mt. Airy Neighborhood Plan!

On March 29, 2023 passed Resolution 33-2033 also known as Mt. Airy Plan (MAP): Our Future as the first planning guide for our neighborhood since 1980. The importance of this plan can not be understated as it serves as a framework and reference for all future development. Mt. Airy CURE was the driving force behind this plan as it worked for nearly three years in conjunction with the City of Cincinnati Planning Department to painstakingly cover a multitude of topics.

The end result was a comprehensive 84 page document that is open to the public. Over 300 Mt. Airy Residents participated in this plan through numerous virtual meetings, open houses and a lot of hard work. The plan was scheduled to kick off with a cocktail reception at the historic Pinecroft Crosley Estate in March 2020. The timing of this event couldn’t have been worse as COVID 19 struck and everything ground to a halt. Back to the drawing board! The MAP steering committee and city staff pressed on undeterred and conducted “virtual happy hours” to hash out their ideas. This process continued for nearly two years as an enormous amount input was received, goals and strategies were prioritized and eventually a draft plan came to fruition. Mount Airy Town Council, the Cincinnati Planning Commission and finally Cincinnati
City Council enthusiastically passed the plan early this year after rigorous review.
A debt of gratitude is owed to the steering committee, CURE, the City Planning Department and all residents who offered feedback. We invite all to read this and as we move forward with positive progress for our neighborhood, we will continue to reach for ideas and opinions on where Mt. Airy needs to head in the future!

A Comprehensive Planning Document

Mt. Airy Plan
After several years of community engagement, outreach, discussion, the Mt Airy Plan was officially approved by Cincinnati City Council in April 2023! Thank you to our steering committee, and the many others that helped assemble this comprehensive look at the neighborhood.
The MAP included the identification of properties within Mount Airy that offered potential in meeting the goals and strategies outlined by the community. Though specifically named, none of these locations should be viewed as recommendations in achieving and implementing MAP’s strategic goals. As landmarks, or with site size, or as partially developed, they illustrate examples of resources that could complement the goals of MAP. The recreational and natural amenities of Mount Airy Forest and Shepherd Recreation Area, essential to the community, will continue, and the goal is to expand public services. The Acadia tract is only partially developed and public engagement should be sought. St. Therese of the Little Flower parish is a long term institutional anchor with a vibrant and active congregation. Their facilities will continue to serve for the long term with their services critical to MAP’s goals. 


Click here to see the final document: 

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