New Property Acquisition Opens the Door for Mt. Airy South Gateway Development

After many years of collaboration, this past August Mt. Airy CURE, with the help of the City of Cincinnati and the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development, was able to acquire the Warsaw Wireless cell phone store at 5460 Colerain Ave. This property, at the strategic southeast corner of Colerain Ave. and North Bend Rd., completes a much larger parcel that includes eleven additional adjacent properties with four buildings to make a total area of nearly 2.5 acres. The buildings on these properties have long been vacant and have gradually deteriorated. Sadly, the urban blight at this corner has come to reflect negatively on the Mt. Airy neighborhood as a whole to anyone passing through this very busy intersection.
We at CURE are currently working with authorities to have all five of these buildings demolished and expect this to happen in the near future. The next steps are to continue working with the Port and the Department of Economic Development on demolition and site cleanup. CURE expects this work to begin in the first half of 2025. After the site is cleared, we will be meeting with development partners to investigate future construction options. Our mission is to support the Mt Airy business district and we feel this project is representative of the what we learned following the community engagement process done while making the Mt. Airy Plan. Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns and hopefully you will be seeing action at the corner soon.